Global Learning Reflection

Reflecting on my journey through the Global Learning curriculum at FIU, I am struck by the profound impact it has had on my academic growth and personal development. This comprehensive program, with its rich array of courses, individual experiences, and a culminating capstone, has been instrumental in shaping my worldview, enhancing my understanding of global issues, and preparing me for engaged citizenship in an interconnected world.

Global Perspective: The Global Learning curriculum challenged me to consider diverse viewpoints and examine my own unexamined assumptions, particularly when analyzing complex problems. Courses like ARH 2000 - Exploring Art and LAS 3002 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies provided me with a broader understanding of cultural and historical contexts that shape people's views and behaviors. Engaging with different perspectives, whether through discussions on art's role in society or the economic and political dynamics of Latin America, fostered a deeper appreciation for the nuanced ways in which cultures intersect and diverge. This has instilled in me a more empathetic and inclusive approach to problem-solving, one that values diverse inputs and seeks to understand the underlying factors that influence differing viewpoints.

Global Awareness: Through the curriculum, my awareness of local and global issues and their interconnectedness has significantly deepened. The Honors Seminar IV: The Washington Seminar, for instance, opened my eyes to the intricate relationships between political decisions in Washington, D.C., and their ramifications around the globe. Understanding the complexity of these issues, from the policies that govern international trade to the cultural exchanges that promote diplomacy, has emphasized the importance of informed and conscious global citizenship. The realization that local actions can have global consequences has motivated me to become more engaged with issues that transcend national borders, fostering a commitment to contribute positively to both my immediate and the global community.

Global Engagement: My willingness to engage in local, global, international, and intercultural problem-solving has been significantly enhanced by experiences such as my internship at the U.S. Department of State. This capstone experience, in particular, offered a hands-on opportunity to participate in the formulation and communication of foreign policy. By directly contributing to efforts that foster international cooperation and understanding, I have seen firsthand the value of engagement in addressing global challenges. This has inspired a commitment to actively participate in initiatives that aim to solve complex global issues, whether through diplomacy, cultural exchange, or sustainable development.

Post-Graduation Plans: As I look to the future, I am committed to embodying the ideals of a global citizen in my personal, academic, and professional life. Personally, I plan to continue educating myself on global issues and cultures, seeking out diverse experiences that broaden my understanding of the world. Academically, I aim to pursue further studies that focus on international relations, with a particular interest in how cultural diplomacy can be leveraged to foster global peace and cooperation. Professionally, I aspire to work in an international organization or a nonprofit dedicated to global development, where I can apply my skills and knowledge to make a tangible impact on global challenges.

For me, the Global Learning curriculum at FIU has been instrumental in preparing me to navigate and contribute to an increasingly globalized world. It has taught me the value of perspective, awareness, and engagement in fostering a more just, peaceful, and interconnected global community. As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons learned and the commitment to act as an informed and engaged global citizen, ready to make a positive difference in the world.