Global Learning Capstone
Internship at the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Western Hemisphere, Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination

Reflecting on my Global Learning Medallion Capstone experience, completing a paid internship at the U.S. Department of State in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere, Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination, stands out as a profoundly transformative chapter in my academic and professional journey. This capstone solidified my understanding and appreciation of global affairs, equipping me with invaluable insights and skills that I believe will shape my career path and personal growth for years to come.

From the outset, the internship immersed me in the intricate workings of international relations and U.S. foreign policy. Participating in meetings with senior-level U.S. Government and foreign officials provided a firsthand look at the complexities of diplomacy and policymaking. The experience of drafting, editing, and contributing to crucial communications such as cables, reports, talking points, and other materials not only honed my writing and analytical skills but also deepened my understanding of the strategies behind policy decisions and diplomatic engagements.

Supporting events, including international and multilateral meetings and conferences, was another highlight of my internship. These opportunities allowed me to witness the dynamic nature of international diplomacy and the importance of fostering constructive dialogue and cooperation among nations. The experience underscored the significance of meticulous planning and execution in the success of such high-level engagements, lessons that are applicable far beyond the realm of diplomacy.

Engaging directly with both U.S. and foreign audiences to explain the work of the Department of State and promote U.S. foreign policy was perhaps the most rewarding aspect of my internship. This facet of my capstone experience emphasized the importance of communication in building bridges between cultures and societies. It challenged me to find effective ways to convey complex policy initiatives in a manner that was accessible and engaging to diverse audiences. In doing so, I gained a deeper appreciation for the role of diplomacy in enhancing mutual understanding and respect among nations.

This capstone experience was not just about acquiring knowledge or developing skills; it was about understanding the impact of global interconnectedness on our lives and the world. It underscored the importance of empathy, cultural sensitivity, and ethical consideration in all aspects of global engagement. As I reflect on my time at the State Department, I am struck by the realization that the lessons learned and the perspectives gained extend far beyond the confines of the internship itself. They have instilled in me a sense of responsibility to contribute positively to our global community, informed by a deep appreciation for the complexity and diversity of global affairs.

My Global Learning Medallion Capstone experience has been nothing short of transformative. It has not only fulfilled the requirement of immersing myself in a high-impact learning opportunity but has also left an indelible mark on my personal and professional development. As I move forward, I carry with me a richer understanding of the world, a heightened sense of global citizenship, and a renewed commitment to making a positive impact on the international stage.

"The task of diplomacy is
to find common interests."
- John F. Kennedy